Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kashgar Old Town

When I covered Kashgar 2 years back, I mentioned that the highlight for me was the Old Town. Last year, there were news that Kashgar's Old Town will be razed. The Chinese government of course had various reasons for it, but whatever the case or reasons, the news saddened me greatly.

Wandering through the streets of the Old Town epitomises the magic of travel. Admiring old historic buildings, witnessing ancient cultures and lifestyle, getting lost around mazy streets, uncovering little surprises, getting stares from locals, friendly children giggling at you, the experience is unforgetable. Unfortunately, I didn't take that many photos, but the ones I have gave me fond memories....


Nineteeneleventh said...

Nice shots. Was enroute to Kashgar last year when the riots broke out, and ended up working my way up from Dunhuang to Mongolia. It's a pity that the old town will be gone.

Wanderer said...

What a shame! It's unfortunate that the Xinjiang riots happened then. You would have love Kashgar! Hope you'll a chance to visit again soon!